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The society we are currently living in has made it seem like if you're single you're unhappy, incomplete and to mean that nobody wants you. This belief has pressured some people into some relationships that have ruined their lives. And some have stayed in those relationships for the wrong reasons.
I came across this article a few months ago that just reenforced my belief that you need to stay in your own lane. That we all have different life choices, paths and we don't need to be pressured into making life altering decisions based on what society has made us believe.

It goes as follows:

Being single is about sleeping in on a Sunday. Waking up when the sun heats up your room entirely. It is about the brunch you prepare for yourself on a day when you don’t care whether you should wash your face first or you should fix your hair. Being single is about wearing oversized T-shirt; ripped PJ’s – and still not worry about anything. It is about not caring a lot, yet is being sensitive enough to sympathize with others.

Being single is eating till your stomach is filled as if a really bad draught and famine is about to come to pass. It is about rewarding yourself with every single entity you so-well-deserve. It’s drinking coffee at the patio while reading a novel or watching a drama on your iPad. It is about being carefree, yet busy enough to be substantially productive.

Being single is about working a career that you love. It is about saving money to travel the world, to shop for the stuff you like and to save for your future.

It is about watching late movies on a Tuesday night, and eating whatever on your way home. It is about hanging out with bunch of friends on a Friday night to visit a food bizarre or a book sale. It is about exploring every ice-cream flavor that is out there, and discovering every blend of bubble tea sold in the café. Being single is about letting yourself know that you are never alone.

Being single is about finishing up a box of Kleenex while watching a sad movie, or laughing loudly when watching a comedy, or screaming to the top of your lungs when you watch a horror movie. It is about enjoying your own company and discovering what you are capable of doing. It is about letting you be indulged with the idea of being by yourself. It is about being friendly and outgoing, yet preserved and well mannered. Being single is the act of appreciating your presence, respecting your freedom and actually pulling yourself altogether.

Being single, living the idea of it, and actually living by the virtues of being Self-Reliant – I call it an act of bravery. Everyone can be alone, but it takes a strong person to stay and be happily committed to oneself. Being single is also a status; it is a relationship you establish between you, your ego, your dignity, your confidence and your own inequity. It is about dealing with your flaws, learning to love your faults and accepting your not-so-beautiful qualities.

Being single is not a bad thing, it is not an option either. It is better yet called a chance. Being single is a chance to actually learn to depend on your own, to care for your own well being, to understand your own circumstances, and worry about your own existence.

It is about offering yourself to live peacefully, and to be able to experience being genuinely happy.

Happiness is not found in anyone else, it is being created from deep within – may it be being contented, being loved, or being satisfied. Happiness is about choosing to be happy, it about knowing and actually going for what you feel and distinguish will make you happy.

More than anything else, being single is about being confident – confident to be able to stand on your own.

It is about appreciating the things you hold on. It is about conceptualizing the things you need over the things you want. Being single is about you telling yourself that ‘One day I won’t be alone anymore, but for now, I will let my life have meaning.’

By Racquelshii Manuel

MENTAL ILLNESS, an Adventist perspective. 

Christians will not be mournful, depressed, and despairing.” Really? When I have feelings of despondency, have I lost my Christianity? Some would say so. Is that what Ellen White implies?
As we look at her writings it’s important to remember that Ellen White used the common language of her day to describe emotional health. She was not diagnosing mental states as a licensed psychiatrist might do today after a patient’s thorough examination. And the counsel she offered to those she described as suffering with depression may not be fully applicable to every individual who is challenged by what is currently called major or clinical depression.
In her autobiographical accounts, Ellen White frequently describes times of depression and melancholy. Many were merely a passing sadness over present conditions, but others were extended periods of gloom and discouragement. She often attributed her depressed spirits to physical ill-health, which she suffered throughout her life, in part a result of the life-threatening accident she experienced at age 9.
In 1859 Ellen White candidly informed church members, “For years I have been afflicted with dropsy [edema] and disease of the heart, which has had a tendency to depress my spirits and destroy my faith and courage.” She described having felt “no desire to live,” and being unable to muster enough faith even to “pray for my recovery.” During this time she confided in her diary, “Oh, why is it that such gloom rests upon everything? Why can I not rise above this depression of spirit? . . . I have no health and my mind is completely depressed.”

Understanding Her Own Emotions

But even in healthier times Ellen White knew from experience that emotions can turn inexplicably. “I have had a very depressed state of feelings today, unaccountably sad,” she wrote to her husband, James. “I could not explain why I felt so exceedingly sad.”
“Oh, why is it that such gloom rests upon everything? Why can I not rise above this depression of spirit?”
On other occasions Ellen White knew exactly why she felt as she did. As the Lord’s messenger, she was uniquely sensitive to the spiritual deficiencies of individuals and the church generally. Both she and James carried the state of the church continually upon their hearts: “Our happiness has depended upon the state of the cause of God. When God’s people are in a prospering condition, we feel free. But when they are in disorder and backslidden, nothing can make us joyful. Our whole interest and life has been interwoven with the rise and progress of the third angel’s message. We are bound up in it, and when it does not prosper, we experience great suffering of mind.”
Ellen White recognized that there are a variety of causes for depression beyond physical illness, including diet, genetics, guilt, inactivity, and the weather. She knew the darkness of losing children and even one’s life companion to death. Recalling the bereavement of her 3-month-old son John Herbert, she wrote, “After we returned from the funeral, my home seemed lonely. I felt reconciled to the will of God, yet despondency and gloom settled upon me.”

Finding Hope in the Bible

Ellen White found hope in the biblical accounts of spiritual giants who experienced periods of deep discouragement, yet who were not abandoned by God: individuals such as Elijah, David, and Paul. Even Jesus, she noted, was not free from such feelings. Of Elijah she wrote, “If, under trying circumstances, men of spiritual power, pressed beyond measure, become discouraged and desponding, if at times they see nothing desirable in life, that they should choose it, this is nothing strange or new. . . . Those who, standing in the forefront of the conflict, are impelled by the Holy Spirit to do a special work, will frequently feel a reaction when the pressure is removed. Despondency may shake the most heroic faith and weaken the most steadfast will. But God understands, and He still pities and loves.”
Writing to her son Edson, who had a tendency to “look on the dark side” of things, Ellen White reminded him that “with the continual change of circumstances, changes come in our experience; and by these changes we are either elated or depressed. But the change of circumstances has no power to change God’s relation to us. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and He asks us to have unquestioning confidence in His love.”

Counsel From Ellen White

What counsel did Ellen White give to those suffering under depression, and how did she herself cope with such feelings? She learned that support from family and friends can be invaluable. Often it was the prayers of close associates that broke the spell of darkness. Recalling the feelings of overwhelming despair that followed her childhood accident, Ellen White reflected, “I concealed my troubled feelings from my family and friends, fearing that they could not understand me. This was a mistaken course. Had I opened my mind to my mother, she might have instructed, soothed, and encouraged me.”
Ellen White also recommended the benefits of outdoor activity, gardening, enjoying nature, and simply praising God. She counseled to go “right along, singing and making melody to God in your hearts, even when depressed by a sense of weight and sadness.” “I tell you as one who knows,” she added, “light will come, joy will be ours, and the mists and clouds will be rolled back.”
While Ellen White acknowledged the reality of such emotions, it was her practice not to give voice to negative feelings and thereby spread an atmosphere of gloom among others. She was determined that faith conquer feeling. When one reads of her experiences, almost invariably what turned the tide was a deliberate and purposeful decision on her part not to succumb to such troubled states of mind through a firm reliance on God’s love in spite of His apparent absence.

Hope in Jesus

But the victory was by no means easily obtained. Typical of her resolve to break through the darkness is this description written after a long period of excruciating physical pain with its negative emotional effects:
“It is not a common thing for me to be overpowered, and to suffer so much depression of spirit as I have suffered for the last few months. I would not be found to trifle with my own soul, and thus trifle with my Savior. I would not teach that Jesus has risen from the tomb, and that He is ascended on high, and lives to make intercession for us before the Father, unless I carry out my teaching by practice, and believe in Him for His salvation, casting my helpless soul upon Jesus for grace, for righteousness, peace, and love. I must trust in Him irrespective of the changes of my emotional atmosphere. I must show forth the praises of Him who has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
Will Christians be “mournful, depressed, and despairing”? Ellen White recognized through Scripture and by personal experience that faithful believers are not exempt from these emotions, but neither should they characterize the life. With Paul we can say, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair. . . . We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Cor. 4:8-18).

Ellen G. White, in Review and Herald, Apr. 15, 1884. See also Ellen G. White, Child Guidance (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1954), p. 146.

Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948), vol. 1, p. 185.

Ellen G. White manuscript 6, 1859, in The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts With Annotations (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 2014), vol. 1, pp. 632, 633.

Ellen G. White letter 7, 1876, in Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases (Silver Spring, Md.: Ellen G. White Estate, 1990-1993), vol. 7, p. 278.

Ellen G. White, Spiritual Gifts (Battle Creek, Mich.: James White, 1860), vol. 2, p. 297.

For examples, see Ellen G. White, Mind, Character, and Personality (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1977), vol. 2, pp. 482-496, 807-812.

E. G. White, Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2, p. 296.

Matthew 26:38; John 12:27; Ellen G. White, The Spirit of Prophecy (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1878), vol. 3, p. 94: “[Jesus’ disciples] had frequently seen him depressed, but never before so utterly sad and silent.”

Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1917), pp. 173, 174.

Ellen G. White letter 150, 1903, Ellen G. White, In Heavenly Places (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1967), p. 120.

For example, see E. G. White, Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 185.

Ellen G. White, Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1880), p. 135.

Ellen G. White letter 147, 1904, in E. G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, pp. 255, 256; Ellen G. White, in Signs of the Times, Dec. 30, 1903.

Ellen G. White letter 7, 1892, in Ellen G. White, Selected Messages (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1958, 1980), book 2, pp. 242, 243.

Ellen G. White, in Signs of the Times, July 25, 1895.

This has been adopted from TIM POIRIER.                   Tim Poirier is vice director of the Ellen G. White Estate in Silver Spring, Maryland. 

I saw it fit to make use of this as mental issues are sometimes thought of as never affecting Christians. We need to realize that being a Christian doesn’t exempt you from any type of suffering, it just gives you the assurance that Christ is with you during the suffering. ❤️❤️. Take heart Jesus cares.                          

Gorgeous 😍😊

It’s been too long😭☹️🤷🏾‍♀️. 

It has surely been too long. 

I mean this with regards to two things. Firstly, too long since I posted something. This does not mean God has not been blessing me or that nothing has been happening in my life.  It just means that I got too busy and forgot I had committed myself to something. For that I am earnestly sorry. 

 So it’s 2017, lol the 31st of January to be more exact. I don’t know whether it’s still appropriate for me to say happy new year now or we have passsed the appropriate time period in which you can still say that lol 😂. So just to be on the safe side, I will say happy almost February 😊😂💖 and I hope we all have a prosperous new year. 

An entire month of the year 2017 has passed, ask yourself have I achieved my short term goals, am I working towards achieving my New Years resolutions or have I completely forgotten about them and I’m just now cruising through life without a plan? 

I love side bars!!! That’s why I put that there. It’s something that just popped into my mind so I decided to just share it with you guys 😄. 

So back to the main topic, I hope 🤞🏼 my apology has been accepted and that we can start on a clean slate as we enter into the month of February. Just to sweeten the deal, I am going to post something fortnightly (after every two weeks). I have committed myself to this and I will stay true to my commitment. No matter what is going on or how busy I am I promise to pop by and make my presence felt😁. 

It has been too long🙆🏽. I have been on school vacation since late November and to be honest this ‘it has been too long’ goes way beyond late November. And it refers to feeling the presence of God in my life in general. Not to sound all cliche and make this into what it is not, I love God, I believe in Him and I value my relationship with Him more that anything else in my life (especially this morning). I have backsliden so badly to a point that I can’t remember the last time I knelt down to pray. Or the last time I set apart a selected time to just sit and open my Bible or any devotional for that matter. Yes I’ve mumbled a prayer when I woke up and just opened the Bible and read a verse or two just to mark the register. But to be honest that is not what I want. I want a better and more meaningful relationship with God. Not a mere fling that I can only manage to forge when I need or want something from Him. A relationship with God needs to exist day in day out, from morning to evening, 24/7, 365 days a year and 366 days after every 4 years. 

I had a dream that really traumatized me. I woke up in a panic this morning. Already today is your typical black girl’s hair day 😂🤣 so I had to wake up early. I however woke up earlier that expected due to that dream. 

You know how with dreams you can never really recall every tiny detail. In summary I was under attack. There was a man in our house who was attacking my family and myself. He must’ve had done something terrible in the past that only his partner knew about. The thing came up on the news and well all hell broke loose after that. This man got angry and shot his partner perhaps because he thought his partner had betrayed him. Before he died he told this man that everyone knew and he was in big trouble. Somehow this man was now in our house and the whole family didn’t know what this man had done but we could sense that he was acting in an unusual way. 

Suddenly I had locked myself in the pantry, someone had been shot but I can’t remember who it was. My mother was not at home she was at an airport or what looked like one. I was trying to get a hold of the police but I couldn’t call because I didn’t want this man to know my exact location in the house. I sent a message to my cousin telling him to call the police and tell them what was going on. He responded asking whether this was a joke, he actually put those laughing emojis. I was in a panic. Fortunately I then woke up. 

This dream had me trembling. I didn’t know what it meant or what to think with regards to it. I just went to the bathroom so I could get ready for this hair day. As I was brushing my teeth, my mind started making sense of this dream on its own. We were under attack!!! The devil was attacking my entire family and we had absolutely no idea. I will not get into what each family member’s role was in this dream, why I think others where not there but I can try and explain why I think I had to get a hold of the police through someone else. I have become so lazy to pray that I have been relying too much on intercessory prayer. I will not reticule this method of prayer because even in Genesis 21:17, Hagar’s prayer was answered because her son Ishmael cried unto the Lord. There is power in interceding for one another, but it is also very important to intercede for yourself. 

I am not one to believe in dreams. I have never really had an opinion on whether God still speaks to us through dreams like He used to in the past ( Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, etc ). However, today God calmed my soul by giving me this dream and it’s interpretation. Whether this was me trying to make sense out of this or the feeling of guilt because of the heated argument I had with my mum last night or the after effects of a horror/ action movie I wactched ages ago or it really was God who wanted to show me that I needed to pull up my spiritual socks. I don’t know. All I know is a got a wake up call. A literal one in this case 😏. And I’m taking it. 💃🏽💃🏽. 

I hope you all have a lovely day and I pray God blesses you in all that you do. Don’t be strangers 😊😊. 

Gorgeous 😊💁🏽

A message from God😊💖

This came at exactly the right time. God is simply amazing. Beautiful song. Take time to really understand the lyrics😁🎶

How many times must I prove how much I love you

How many ways must my love for you I show

How many times must I rescue you from trouble

For you to know just how much I love you

Didn’t I wake you up this morning

Were you clothed in your right mind

When you walked on this problem

Didn’t I step right in on time

When you got weak along life’s journey

My angel carried you

So you would know just how much I love you

How many days must I be fence all around you

How many nights must I wipe your tears away

How many storms must I bring you safely through

For you to know just how much I love you

Didn’t I put food on your able

Show UP! when your bills were due

When the pains were racking your body

Didn’t I send a healing down to you

When you were lost in sin and sorrow

I died to set you free

So you would know just how much I love you
So you would know, so you would know how much

So you would know, so you would know how much

So you would know just how much I love you

All things are possible 😊💁🏽

All things are possible!!!! Are they really🤔? I don’t think so. Why not? Because I know I cannot walk on water neither can I fly. I’m sure you also can’t fly or breath under water or cause it to rain or anything right😁.

Let’s get into our main focus.

Whenever a preacher stands up and starts talking about things being possible, the first Bible scenario that comes into my mind is found in Luke 1. In this chapter we find two stories. The first being of Zacharias (old man), Elizabeth ( old and barren woman) and the birth of their son John. The second is of Mary the virgin who conceived and bore a son.

Zacharias was a priest and to sum up his story, he went into the temple to burn incense had an encounter with an angel but when he got out he could not speak. Then there is Elizabeth an old and barren woman who according to verse 25 had been mocked and ridiculed by people because she could not conceive and bear a child.
Nothing really seemed to be in this couple’s favor.

  1. They were both old
  2. The woman was barren

Time and nature were really not one their side. But getting to the end of the story, they do have a son named John and Zacharias was now able to speak.

Since we are now all on the same page with this Bible passage we can then go back and draw important lessons and points.

Verse 7 say “but they had no child because Elizabeth was barren and both were well advanced in age.” Again the odds where not in their favour. Going forward to verse 13, which says “but the angel said to him, do not be afraid for your prayer is heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name John.”

According to verse 7 things really seemed impossible. So my question is then why pray? Maybe if they were just old just maybe we could pray for a miracle but on top of age, Elizabeth was barren 😂😂. In verse 13 we are then told that the Angel told Zacharias that his prayer had been answered. There are two explain actions to this verse; either Zacharias kept praying even though years and years had passed or this was an answer to a prayer uttered ages ago.

Kept praying

This means that after all these years he kept praying?? He didn’t care or mind that the odds were not in his favour. He just kept praying. 1  Thessalonians 5:17 says we ought to pray without ceasing. Thus he prayed without stopping. We shouldn’t see a situation as hopeless but we should see it as a chance for God to show us He is able.

Stopped praying but prayer was answered after so many years

There is  also the possibility that Zacharias had stopped praying. That he had just accepted that this is the life God wanted for him and even though He didn’t like it he had to just accept it. But God is faithful. Even when we have stopped praying He is still waiting for the opportune time. How many times have we prayed for something but dololo no response? We have waited for so long but still, nothing!! We eventually accept that maybe this isn’t for us and well life does go on. BUT God makes all things well. Philipians 2:13 says for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Despite how bad and tough the situation looks we ought to trust in God always. We ought to believe that He has brought us too far to abandon us now. We ought to believe that we serve a God who is loving and just and who has plans to prosper us and not to fail us, Jeremiah 29:11.

What then is the conclusion of the matter? Even if the situation looks barren, even like the desert trust in God. Even if it feels like nothing can ever come out of it believe in God. Even if its something that has been an issue for some time it’s doesn’t matter. Even if they are years, months, days even, God is able. All things are possible through Him. He is mighty, He is faithful and He never sleeps nor slumbers.

Luke 1 verse 37

” For with God nothing will be impossible”

Delay does not always mean denial. We should just be patient and wait. 

We will touch a little bit on Mary later on, for today have a great day or evening and always remember God loves you so much❣




What is faith🤔? This should not be a difficult question to answer for us as the children of God right? Well, I personally believe that this is the most difficult question I have ever asked myself. 

Let’s take it back to the Bible (our source of wisdom and words directly from God’s own mouth). Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen”. SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and EVIDENCE of things unseen. 

The word substance is particularly related to something that is sound and solid. From its Latin root ‘substare’ it is to stand firm and to be something of an essential nature. Something that is of great importance. As a student I am going to be making student related examples. If I am to attend a lecture and at a point during the lecture, the lecturer says if you have obtained nothing from this lecture so far make sure you understand the following, this is of great importance and SUBSTANCE.

Evidence…🤔. According to the Oxford dictionary , this is defined as something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign of the existence of something. 

So in simple terms faith is something of great importance and is supposed to be a sign of things we have not seen or imagined. It should clarify  and simplify things we know not off. 

Through faith we are sure God exists despite the fact that we have never seen or touched Him. Through faith we believe that Jesus Christ walked this earth and died for us to be saved and purified from sin. Though we didn’t see this happen, we believe and have complete trust in these happenings. We have FAITH.

In Hebrews 11, we see the numerous stories of the Heroes of Faith. The first hero is Abel. Though he didn’t live for a long time on this earth for him to do spectacular and perfom miraculous deeds he is part of this list. By simply obeying God, giving an excellent sacrifice he proved himself faithful. What happened to Abel? He died. 

After Abel, we hear of Enoch. Enoch was a righteous man. He had faith, Genesis 5:19-24. Enoch lived because of his faith. The faith possessed by the two men allows them to feature in the ‘Hall Of Faith’ but look, Enoch lived and Abel died. 

Looking at Noah as an example, he was told of things to come (destruction of the world through water) and was told to build an Ark and STAY in it for 120 years. His faith made him stay were God told him to stay. Abraham on the other hand, had the opposite experience. Verse 8 of Hebrews 11 tells us how through faith Abraham obeyed when he was told by God to go out of the place were he was and to go to a place he didn’t even know. His faith led him to leave the security of his homeland and venture out into the unknown. The contrast again is evident. Noah’s faith made him stay whilst Abraham’s faith made him leave. 

The contrast I loved most is this one; Joseph was faithful and as a result God honored him. He lived a very prosperous and wealthy life in Egypt. Moses on the other hand was led out of Egypt to wander in the wilderness. Moses chose to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures and riches of Egypt. 

Through faith, Abel died and through faith Enoch lived. Through faith Noah stayed and through faith Abraham left. Though faith Joseph dwelt in Egypt and though faith Moses left Egypt. 

What can we then conclude?🤔 

FAITH IS SEEKING GOD’S WILL FOR YOUR LIVES, whether it’s in death or life, staying like Noah or going like Abraham, or whether it’s living a luxurious life like Joseph or being a homeless wanderer like Moses. FAITH IS ALWAYS ABIDING IN THE LOVE AND TRUST OF GOD. 

Faith should not be dependent on our feelings or situations. It should be constant. Always being aware of the fact that God knows what’s best for us forever and always. In High school we used to sing as song, Trust His heart:

All things work for our good,     Though sometimes we can see how they could.                                   Struggles that break our hearts in two sometimes blind us to the truth.   That our father knows what’s best for us,                                                                His ways are not our own.                     So when your pathways grows dim and you just can’t see Him….remember you’re never alone.

CHORUS                                                  God is too wise to be mistaken               God is too good to be unkind.                 So when you don’t understand, when you don’t see his plan, when you can’t trace His hand trust His heart.

He sees the master plan,                      He holds the future in His hands.         So don’t live as those who have no hope                                                            While our hope is found in Him.      We see the present clearly, but He sees the first and the last.                  And like a tapestry, He’s weaving you and me, to someday be just like Him.

LETS US HAVE FAITH!!! In all circumstances let’s accept that God has full control and fully rely on Him.

 Gorgeous ❣

My first blog post 😋😍

You know when you have always wanted to do something with all your might, but unfortunately you always keep putting it off; that’s exactly me when it came to starting this blog.

I would like to think of myself as someone who has a lot to say about a lot but sometimes life just gets in the way. In such a case it becomes difficult to follow the things you’re passionate about and just sink into your daily routine.

The decision to start this blog was not an easy one to come to because a blog requires consistency and is quite time consuming. I have made the decision and well here we are😀. 

I really hope that every single person who does visit or subscribe to this blog benefits in some way. Whether it be spiritually🙏🏽, emotionally🙂academically📒🎓, health wise🍐🍎🚵🏽  or in any other way possible.

God bless you all and remember He loves you so much🤗. 

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not get weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31.